Monday, March 20, 2017

Who wants free stuff???

I am doing a GIVEAWAY!!!

This can be a stressful time of year...  Spring is here and we are stuck inside for 7 hours!  We are all visioning a beach with flip flops on and a book in our hands while students are seeing miles of playground to run and explore! :)

So, it is a good time to reframe and reflect on why we continue to do what we do.

I will be giving away one set of the fantastic NEW Active Student Response posters, in color and on card stock, to one of the staff members who participate.

I want to hear a story about why you teach.  Let's remember confidentiality and leave any identifying info out but I want to know about a moment that made you smile; that made you thankful to be a teacher or a staff working at the school.  Leave your story in the comments below!!

And finally, thank you.  I was in a 3 hour meeting today and left feeling so grateful to be at David Gourley.  We are doing amazing things.  You are amazing.  I am grateful to work with such devoted, fantastic people.


  1. I will start though I won't keep my own giveaway!!
    I received a thank you note last year from a student I have worked with for many years. I often felt as though I did not reach her through the MANY talks we had. At the end of the year, she gave me the most sincere thank you card I have received from a student. She reflected on the comments I had been saying to her over the years. She had heard! She remembered!! It mattered to her. I cried when I read that thank you and will read it over again on days that I feel I am doing little good. We may not always know when we are touching their lives!

  2. I teach to better the future world. I do my best to teach kids to read. I teach respect and kindness. This year I am teaching mindfulness to help students recognize more about the world around them. I teach because I want to know that kids have someone who cares about them to show up every day. I show up everyday because no matter how our day goes they all leave with a smile and a high five. I love that people know I'm not a teacher for the monies it will bring me but the good I can do for others. A life of service is a life well spent.
